Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Five Items in my....


Five Items in my Fridge (nearly bare):
1. Drinks ~ Skim milk, apple juice, Propel water (Black Cherry), Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Pepsi, pint of Tequila (unopened for over 2 years now)
2. egg (one)
3. 2% american cheese
4. fresh broccoli
5. grilled chicken

Five Items in my Closet (jampacked):
1. clothes
2. shoes
3. purses
4. back scratcher (Awww, this is wonderful)
5. jewelry box

Five Items in my Car:
1. Umbrella
2. sunglasses
3. gum
4. St. Christopher (not the real saint, just a clipcharm on the visor)
5. mints

Five Items in my Purse (it is a very small purse with not much more than 5 items):
1. Wallet
2. checkbook
3. cell phone
4. lipstick
5. Ipod

Five Items in my Nightstand
1. A few books (including All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten)
2. Body lotion (you know, for dry hands)
3. Vaseline (you know, for dry lips)
4. Box of con......(I know what you are thinking....NO!)...a box of concert and theatre tickets of every show I have been to! =)
5. Okay, okay....a box of condoms (but I don't use them, I swear!!)

What five items do you have in your five things?
Have a great day!
Lee Ann


Anonymous said...

Yeah, and Clinton didn't inhale!!! LOL

Unknown said...

Number 5 was funny. Lee Ann!!!!:D

jiggs said...

I keep a box of condoms in my nightstand to confuse the nuns!

rob said...

If you don't use them, who does? I guess they didn't teach you about that in kindergarten.

I tried your banana tip at the pool today - it worked!

Love from Rob.

Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: I got five fingers on my five hands. No, two hands! Have a great weekend! Hotboy

JM said...

I don't have a purse, but I do have a messenger bag. I'll do the tag!!

Anonymous said...

I say!

What is a nightstand? Is it a bedside table? I'll have to ask Mrs M. I keep a billy club in mine, just in case the criminals get past Abdul. Plus a torch. Plus the phone numbers of my lawyer, the embassy, and British Airways. One never knows whether one may be P.I.'d and given 48 hours to get out. It happened to Paul Theroux, who once lived down the road.


Spoke said...

Fridge; Beer, white wine, milk, chocolate and leftovers....
Van: Spitz, water, coat, cigar,pen/paper.
Wallet; 2 American dollars, 3 West Edmonton Mall passes, photos of Meadow, blood donor card, my business card.
Desk: snax, candles and lighter, hair snot and glucosamine sulphate.
My mind: Jesus, beer, sex, sex, sex.

henri Banks said...

what a checkbook ???
you still have this kind of analog stuff in the states :-O

Kittie Kate said...

I'll do that tag probably Friday.
I like that one.

Crabby said...

I "wish" my frig was almost empty. I'm moving into your place. I'm over-run with giant pickles here.