Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hi everyone!
I just wanted to let you guys know that I appreciate all of you stopping by.
I do check in here at the castle, so I hope to see you around here.
Please drop in and say hello. You are always welcome.
I will be back soon, I promise. I am just taking a vacation for a bit.
Have a great weekend!
Love you all,
Lee Ann


Osbasso said...

Glad to see a glimmer of life here! You can't get rid of us THAT easily! And for the record...that other thing I told you about? It's still true! :-)

Mariposa said...

Lovely photos there... ;)

Anonymous said...

Miss you! I love the last little puppy dog.. so cute!

Anonymous said...

I say!

Are we all guys, or is that 'all you guys' as in 'all you chaps of either gender'?

Wonderful snaps. The dog in snap 5 looks a bit like Farley. Maybe they are related?

Nice of you to visit the Duneditin snap blog, BTW.


~Tim said...

I wasn't worried at all, nope, no way... I knew you'd come back....

Still, I've missed you!

rob said...

So hard to choose a favourite, but I suppose it's cat in the cornflake packet.

I like your clock - does it show whether it's am or pm?


BTExpress said...

Nice to see your still around.

Jason said...

Neeyaaa cute little fur animals....
Hope all is well for you..

Fred said...

Good to hear from you. Hope all is well, and Happy Labor Day!

Phats said...

That last dog is so cute, I want to adopt it! ha

JM said...

Hi, I am glad that you are back!
I hope that you've had some much needed rest on your break