Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday morning

Thank you for all of the happy birthday wishes. You are all awesome!

I had a great birthday and weekend. I took the day off work for my birthday, I got my nails done then relaxed in the sunshine.

I got several nice (beautiful), candle (sniffalicious), Ipod (wonderful, thank you Howard), cards (sweet), money (magnifico), and taken out to eat three times (superb).
Thank you everyone for making it so special!

I have never had an Ipod, this is my first one. It is so cool. It sounds soooo good. It holds sooooo many songs. Ok, I am a bit excited about it, but hey, it is my first one.

I have to tell you that I broke it in for the first time taking it to the gym on Sunday. I stepped on the treadmill, turned it on and turned it up. The first song ~ AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. Great way to start off.....then it was Back in Black. I wanted to sing. It gave me so much energy. I then started to wonder how other Ipod users never sing out while working out. It was a practice of restraint. The next song...AC/DC Big Balls. I have heard this song before, but it has been a while. If any of you have not heard this song before, you should most definitely listen to it. My thoughts turned from wondering how people don't sing out to wondering if I was laughing out loud. Just picture that....someone on the treadmill, just laughing outloud while working out! Anyway, it was the best workout I have had in a long time. That Ipod gives me energy. :)

Have a great Monday!
Lee Ann


JLee said...

I LOVE my Ipod when I work out! I also find myself wanting to sing along and catch myself...haha

Anonymous said...

Nice choice in groups to start off your Ipod experience. Enjoy it.

henri Banks said...

Sooooory i am late But i had such a big workin week
So i give you 3 X X X For ya Birtday !!!
See ya sweetie

Osbasso said...

Ooh! Did you get one of the fancy new iPods??

SIMON said...

Excellent choice of music BG, you didn't get an ipod by any chance did you, I thought if you'd got an ipod you'd be shouting it from the rooftops!!

Good on you - glad you had a great birthday and taken out to eat three times woooo!!

Moosekahl said...

I'm way late but I have an excuse, I was out of town AND upon arriving home my modem was fried! But Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good one.

jiggs said...

I heart dirty deeds done dirt cheap!

rob said...

Great presents. Which model ipod?

"taken out to eat three times" - wow!

JM said...

When you get your nails done, it looks like it hurts? Why do women like getting their nails done?

Hotboy said...

Someone told me an ipod could replace a whole stereo system. You just have the ipod and speakers. How the world changes!! A kid had a memory stick for the computer at work today. Total scifi. What will they think of next? Anyway, it's better than getting a pair of socks for your birthday! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lee Ann!!!!

Makes you wonder how we lived without I-pods before, doesn't it? :)

Crabby said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry I'm late. But it sounds like you've had a fantabulous time.

The I-pod is an amazing thing, huh? I love (loved) mine. It's dying a slow and painful death. I need to replace it because you get dependent on those little buggers when you work out. Makes a world of difference.

Ticharu said...

Ah, sorry I missed yer birthday! Happy late birthday!!!! Whoopi!!!!!!!!!

Spinning Girl said...

Happy belated birthday! AT least now you don't have to drag that phonograph player to the gym anymore! :)

Neo said...

Lee Ann - Ooops sorry happy belated! *hugs*

Now can you sing "Who's got the biggest balls of them all?"



- Neo

Becky said...

Best work out song ever, Dancing with myself, Billy Idol!

Carl Spackler said...

happy belated birthday!

jamwall said...

I'm still carrying my 1984 tape deck on my shoulder while I do situps.

Maybe its time for an upgrade.

jamwall said...

Not to mention I have yellow rollerskates with pretty pink wheels.

Tuyet said...

At first reading I thought you said you BROKE it on the first use.

I don't get the AC-DC reference. Is that the type of batteries it takes?

Sorry, I guess I should know that. I have never owned an I Pod!

Flower said...

Hey Lee ann
I love me Ipod too when I work out at the gym..although I need new headphones as the pesky blighters keep popping out as I take me leisurely stroll on the treadmill!
Blessings to you

OB Juan said...

WEll, I fell off the face of the earth for about a month or so which means I have to wish you a belated birthday but I am glad to hear that you had a great day.

AC/DC, that-a-girl! Great Music!

Spinning Girl said...

Darn you are too smart for me! Damn SiteMeter! Keep the secret my love, keep the secret.

PinkHippo said...

iPod is my love!

I can't live without my ipod. All my feelings (songs) are in my ipod.

What is the model and color of your ipod? You should post a pic of it! lol :)

The People said...

OMG, I lose one little book and all my birthdays go down the tube! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!