Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Metal and Wood

I received this in an email....thanks Amera ;)

All of the portraits are made with either nails or toothpicks!

This is amazing!!!!

I hope you all have an amazing day.


Lee Ann


Celebration of Life said...

Art comes in many forms, it is only limited to the talent and imagination of the artist. Great post today, Lee Ann; I enjoyed it very much!

Anonymous said...

That was pretty cool...

JM said...

Too cool!

Anonymous said...

I hope it doesn't rain ...


jiggs said...

talk about getting nailed!

carmilevy said...

Hi Lee Ann. Just when I think our capability to be blown away by truly unique genius has been exhausted, I read an entry like this and am once again left in awe.

People are gifted: it's as simple as that. Thank you for posting this!

(Good to e-see you again. Life's been so busy lately that I've fallen way behind on my blog reading. Sorry about that...I'm doing my best to keep up!)

Anonymous said...

I say!

Is there a shortage of paint in the USA :-)

Actually, they are very clever.


rob said...

Hope the chap makes some dosh out of it.

Of course, I could do that if I had talent.

Dave Morris said...

Aren't those freakin' cool???