Friday, November 02, 2007

On my way home from the gym... the morning. Yes, a new workout time and a new view....the moon instead of the sun!

Ahhhh, the sun is just coming up by the time I get home.

Now, I gotta run....get a shower and get dressed, put on my makeup, grab my lunch (thank goodness I get it all together the night before, usually salad with grilled chicken), jump back in the car and head off to work.

Now I am wide awake which lasts through a couple cups of coffee and a few hours, then I am ready for a nap. It'll be all right, I will make it through the day, especially if my work gets real involved.... my day will fly by.

Have a great weekend!


Lee Ann

No birds, animals, humans or creatures were harmed or in any danger in the process of taking these photos. The car was at a complete stop when each photo was taken!


Hotboy said...

I'm first! Nice photies, but this morning workout stuff takes the biscuit for wholehearted dedication. I'm agog in admiration! Hotboy

Lapis Ruber said...

An atmospheric sequence that catches the early morning so well. Happy belated Halloween HNT.

Anonymous said...

Nice photos... I can't believe you get up that early to work out! I get up early enough to get dressed and drink a cup of coffee on the way!

Anonymous said...

You're like the army, you do more before 9 AM than most people do all day.


Osbasso said...

Love the morning pics, but we'd probably be more interested in the shower, make-up, dressing pics...

SIMON said...

That's quite a regime you have BG, love the pics.

Have a terrific weekend!

Rastaman said...

Thanks for the disclaimer ... I was about to report you to the local authorities.

Peace and hugs to you Babygirl!

~ Rasta

David Amulet said...

I like the top left picture best!

-- david

Phats said...

MMMM I love salad with Grilled Chicken and ranch dressing YUM!

I get up at 5:30 to get to school by 6:45 and when it's so dark it's often hard to get out of bed, especially when it's winter YUCK

BeckEye said...

Jeez, are you in a sleep deprivation study??

onan the bavarian said...

Morning activity is great. I find one has to remember to take plenty of time to warm up first, to avoid injury to sleepy muscles.

Some time, I'd be interested to read what favourite machines you use. I mean at the gym.


Anonymous said...

I say!

Keep up the exercise.


JLee said...

damn, that's early...makes me tired just thinking about it!

Valley Girl said...

Woah @ Lapis Ruber's pic!!!! =-

rob said...

BTW Thanks for the ideas on what to do with bananas and water.

Chuck fka: Meanie said...

Hi Lee Ann!
Duh bezt exocize me no ov iz push uh wayz. Dat iz waow u push uh way fwum duh tabow! hehehe

JM said...

Yum, your lunch sounds awesome!

Flower said...

Oh wow..them's some great pics. I love the moon!
I took some of an incredible rainbow the other day. But I have yet to fogure out how to get the pic from me phone to this PC is not playing with the cell phone at the moment!

Have a great week petal!

jiggs said...

getting up before sunrise? that's heinous! I'm happy if I go to sleep before sunrise!

Ticharu said...

In my new room I can lie in bed of a morning and watch the sunrise. The head of my bed is right at the window facing east and a good ten feet above ground level, so I can look out and see the whole event unfold... of course I have to stay in bed that long...

Dave Morris said...

I need to publish "a day in the life" on my blog soon, I don't have nearly as full a day as you, though.

So I'm with Osbasso... when do we see the shower pics?