Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Power of the Wealthy

I keep hearing more and more on imminent domain. The government can seize your property to build on your land. That is unbelievable! Well, I was in CVS the other day and the pharmacy assistant said "I don't know why I want to tell you this, but I just need to tell someone". Then he proceeded to tell me that a wealthy contractor in Texas was able to orchestrate imminent domain on one of the supreme court justices that ruled in favor of this. So, the contractor is building a hotel on the judge's land. Something that will benefit all of the taxpayers in that community. Someone told the contractor, "it is gonna cost you a lot of money". He replied "I have a lot of money". How bout that?


SemiMBA said...

The funny part about the Supreme Court decision is that there is a group who is trying to claim eminent domain on Justice Breyers's hotel. I would love that - the guy who signed the majority decision to have it used against him!

BadGod said...

The wording is misleading, the don't "take it" from you, they have to give fair market value. But, yeah it blows.

Carl Spackler said...

abc news just reported that story the other day. when will it stop! seems we won't have any property rights at this rate.