Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Is that really an aphrodisiac?

Goat testicles boiled in milk, in ancient India; oysters in Rome; coriander in Arabia; honeyed mead in medieval times; fresh snake blood in Asia; bat blood, reindeer penises, shark fins and ground rhino horns ~ what do all of these have in common?
They all, at one time or another, have been acclaimed as aphrodisiacs.

Aphrodisiac by definition is just about anything that awakens or increases sexual desire — be it your own, or the object of your desire's, named from the Greek goddess of sex and beauty, Aphrodite.

They are all as effective as Spanish Fly (which by the way is not fly, but the dried remains of beetles that irritate the urogenital tract). These aphrodisiacs are folklore at best and hazardous to your health at worst.

According to an article in Forbes, The Food and Drug Administration has declared "There is no scientific proof that any over-the-counter aphrodisiacs work to treat sexual dysfunction," while acknowledging that its findings "clash with a 5,000-year tradition of pursuing sexual betterment through use of plants, drugs and magic."

People still desire an aphrodisiacal quick fix because stirring arousal can be tricky. "We're all unique individuals and we all respond differently to different things," notes Dr. Beverly Whipple, a professor emerita at Rutgers University and president of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, who co-coined the term "G-Spot" back in 1980.

At the source of human sexual desire is the "core erotic personality". Each person has an image or thought of what they feel is sexually desirous. It is different for everyone. Factors that go into that could be specific age, hair color, build, race, style of dress, or other objects like fur-lined handcuffs, even different types of behaviors feed into the desire.

According to Dr. William Granzig, dean of clinical sexology at Maimonides University, “Whatever it is in particular, the sexual template is believed to develop early on during a childhood erotic experience — perhaps as early as age three or four — and it sticks with you for life.
The difficulty of maintaining sexual desire over the long term, of course, is that if your partner falls outside of your sexual template — or you fall outside theirs — sooner or later one of you is going to lose interest.
Many people whose template is not, say, age-specific can have great sex throughout their lives, but if you're only attracted to 20-year-olds, once your partner hits 30, your desire will decrease.
Unless, of course, you can figure out some ways to spice things up."

The spicing it up thing is where things can get complicated. Men and women are wholly different sexual creatures.
For most men, of course, sex is all about orgasms: it's culturally imbued in them to desire sex, and they possess a superb feedback device for letting them know when they're in the mood.
Yet most women have been conditioned to regard sex as more sensual, with sexual satisfaction often attainable without orgasm, and the desire for orgasms often reliant upon sensual needs being met first.
As such, women are far more likely then men to emphasize psychological satisfaction in their sexual relationships. I guess by now, we know that sexual pleasure can be achieved from a more emotional level for women. (Well most women).

Ok guys, are you still with me?

Here is what I found interesting….

“In recent times, it has been revealed women to have greater sexual capacity than men. After all, unlike the wham-bam-snore capabilities of men, women can go not only go all night if they want to, but have more powerful orgasms: six to ten contractions on average, versus four to six contractions for the guys. "When it comes to sexual capacity, men are wimps," says Dr. Robert Hatfield, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist at the University of Cincinnati. "
Over the past 15 years I've notice a shift with my patients, with most of the 'I'm-not-in-the-mood' complaints now coming from men."
This has inspired a $1.7 billion of sales in Viagra. Much to the success of the sales of this little blue pill, there has been a recent push in both genders to find a remedy for decrease in sexual desire. Outside distractions are a great contributor to this like job, careers, the pressures of the daily grind.

Ok everyone, to sum it up… there are no special aphrodisiacs, according to Dr. Granzig, “"Your biggest sex organ is the one between your ears. What is desire, after all, than the hope that you can fulfill your sexual fantasies? And that's all in your mind."


Calzone said...

I'm so turned on right now

Lee Ann said...

me too baby!

peftasteri said...

Oh no, please, there are more tasteful aphrodisiac menus such as walnuts on honey and yogurt or fresh strawberries deeped in cognac and sugar! mmmm
Ok to be serious, there are no any food recipes where you can be sexy or desirable. Has to do mainly with the breeze of personality of the person, and then with the love and trust between the couple. When there is no any issue such as love, well baby, you have it or not.

mojoala said...

If one truely believes an item to be an Aphrodisiac, then it will be.

The mind is a powerful untapped tool....

Aliecat said...

Women reach their sexual peak at age 35, or in my case, 27...hmmmm...

Lee Ann said...

peft ~ Yes, you are right. It's all part of that sexual template each person is made from.

mojo ~ You are right on it...the mind (what's between your ears)!

Lee Ann said...

alie ~ You may surprised! I think those statistics are generalized. A huge part in that depends on your own makeup and your sexual partner. ;)

Dave Morris said...

I got wood.

Neo said...

Lee Ann - Yup you said it. It's all in your head. If you believe in anything enough, your brain will make it so.

Lee Ann said...

haha Dave ~ most men do! *giggle*

Lee Ann said...

Neo ~ ....and that is a fun thing to think about, huh?

Carl Spackler said...

Lee Ann...you wouldn't need an aphrodysiac if we were to hook up. i am so looking forward to HNT. really looking forward to it.

Lee Ann said...

carl ~ ya, know, I was thinking the same thing!
Don't get your hopes up too much for HNT. I have to hold back a little! ;)

Neo said...

Lee Ann - NO COMMENT. ;)

Becky said...

I think I just learned something...

Lee Ann said...

neo ~ hmmm....no comment! *giggle*

becky ~ really? I'm glad I could help! ;)

twolf1920 said...

Excuse me...I haveta go and rub one out....

twolf1920 said...

Ok, I am better now-Good Post Lee Ann...

I am such a CHEEKY devil aren't I?

Lee Ann said...

ty ~ hey! Thanks for stopping by! hmmmm....let me guess, you are a guy! hehehe ;)
Come by again.

twolfe ~ *blushing* goodness! :)

twolf1920 said...

Either that or a very hairy girl...EWWWWWWW!!! (thats really my pic on here ya know)


jiggs said...

Your biggest sex organ is the one between your ears.

This is actually true. I have a penis for a nose.

Lee Ann said...

twolf ~ i thought it might your pic! I have mine too. May need to change it soon, I am tired of it.

jiggs ~ really now, concentrate and try to picture that for real. haha

Aliecat said...

Well, I think I finally found one that can keep up with me!

Lee Ann said...

alie ~ YAY! isn't it great?

Kay Ray said...

I eat alot of junk food and my libido is out of control!!

twolf1920 said...

Beavis: "I poop alot"

Lee Ann said...

kay ray ~ i don't eat a ton of junk food, and I have the same thing! 0:) (but I am an angel)

twolf ~ sounds like that should be butthead

Lee Ann said...

Zombie ~ try to enjoy your shower, just think about...
uh, oh, nevermind, don't think about that.... sorry!

JM said...

I think an aphrodiasiac can be anything.
It can be awesome conversation!
Or it can be soft skin and the smell of freshly washed long hair which covers the nape of someone's swan-like neck, clavicles peeking through a spaghetti strap.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a magical concoction. Just the right person.

Hotboy said...

That was extremely interesting!

twolf1920 said...

Lee ANN-Its true it SHOULD be butthead...BUTT it WAS Beavis...ASS me anything about Mike Judge Trivia...

Lee Ann said...

angel ~ Yes, sort of goes back to the sexual template. Everyone has a different idea of what is senuous.

hotboy ~ I thought so too!

twolf ~ I would, but I don't know any questions to ask.

Ticharu said...

OK Lee Ann, you had me going there for a minute with the apartment photos... Just my manly presence is usually enough of an aphrodisiac... for me!

Lee Ann said...

I am absolutely positive you are right with that Tich! ;)

Lee Ann said...

Frank ~ What are roofies? Whatever does it for you, right?

Calzone said...

Lee Ann you are such a good girl

Lee Ann said...

Hey baby! I have been telling you that. I was just thinking about you ;)

Calzone said...

sweet dreams baby

BeckEye said...

The biggest aphrodisiac is not getting any for a long time. I'm horny all day long! ;)

Lee Ann said...

beck ~ It must be! I am sure I would be too! You are going to NYC, I am sure you will find "the right" person there. There will be so many to choose from!
You must stay in touch after you move, you know I am going to want to come see you. Hey I have a friend that just moved to Hawaii, we could go there sometime too.

twolf1920 said...

Leeann-It was my poor humour-ASS me another question...I am so PUNNY

onan the bavarian said...

LA - that template stuff is fascinating, and could perhaps explain where I went wrong in my life.

mojo - my mind is over-tapped already.

Lee Ann said...

twolf ~ I will have to think of something!

Rob ~ you are funny!