Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Oooh, that's rough!


Ticharu said...

As I was reading the first letter in the previous post, I imagined that the wife had changed out the loo paper with something to reasure hubby on his return!
I laughed at that second letter though. Excellent joke! I read the whole thing to Wife-Slave too. She laughed!

b o o said...

yikes! butt shredder.

212degreedesigns said...

toliet paper for REAL men! lol

OB Juan said...

Looks like something Fear Factor should look into!

mikster said...

Hey......what were you doing in my bathroom!?!

AndyW said...

I think that's the kind of toilet paper we have here at work.

His Majesty said...

As a robot, King Evil Robo-Bob Dole considers all forms of paper beneath him.

You can go ahead with your primitive "paper" and "metrics", but we robots control the weather.

JM said...

Where can you buy that? I get similar paper for a dollar at the dollar store.

Lee Ann said...

Tich ~ I know, those letters are priceless.

Boo ~ ouch, right?

212 ~ haha, you are right! Good to see you over here.

ob ~ Oh, that is something I wouldn't be able to watch. Fear factor is not too bad until they start eating stuff, then I cannot watch. It makes me heave!

Mike ~ Oh, sorry, I forgot I wasn't supposed to tell! oops! ;)

Andy ~ I know what you mean, you spend most of your waking hours at work, you would think they would not skimp in that area!

His majesty ~ Well, will you make it snow over here? I would love to see some snow.

Angel ~ Gosh, there are not many things worse than that!!!!

Becky said...

YIKES!! (I have the right ad for this product!)

New massochistic toilet paper!

Saur♥Kraut said...


Spinning Girl said...

that is so grate.

Ellen said...

One might want to consider grating cheese or carrots in the loo with that on the roll. Cute picture!

Kay Ray said...

Sometimes I feel like installing those in my office restroom!! Have a good one.. :)

Lee Ann said...

Becky ~ Very good! ;)

Saur ~ ;)

Spinning ~ You always have a fun spin on things....fun with homophones!

Ellen ~ Hey save some time in the kitchen!! ;)

Kay Ray ~ Yes, just a little something for those that irritate you! haha

Karl the Sorcerer said...

My master, King Evil Robo-Bob Dole, has been informed of your desire to make it "snow". As a sorcerer, I have been championed to fullfill this.

B'ka! U'lellow! Iotin!

*waves hands*

It will now snow within the next 14 months.

Dave Morris said...

What a cheesy picture. You can bet your bloody ass I won't be back until next time.

Ugh. I apologize for all of that.

Neo said...

Lee Ann - Definitely not charmin!!!!

henri Banks said...

this is Hardcore :-)

Lee Ann said...

Sorcerer ~ Oh thank you, I am glad it will snow, hopefully in this or the next wintertime! ;) You are awesome!

Dave ~ Well, bloody bum....I don't blame you! ;)

Neo ~ You are right, I doubt you would want to squeeze this stuff!

Henri ~ Definitely....down to the core! haha

onan the bavarian said...

I don't know where you find these, but keep doing it.

freethoughtguy said...

At least it's recycleable!

And it saves trees!

Lee Ann said...

Rob ~ I am not sure either, but some of them I just have to share! haha

Free ~ haha, yes, just not the bum!!!!

Gyrobo said...

I see Robo-Bob Dole and his cronies have been through here. Don't trust a word that comes outta their faces!

Untrustworthy scribblings...

jiggs said...

This picture brings up unhappy associations between the word "cheese" and buttholes.

Karl the Sorcerer said...

King Evil Robo-Bob Dole's wish is my command.

Hill Billy Rave said...

I think we used to use those in the Army. See Ya Thursday...

blank profile said...

Would you tie me up with that shit?

Lee Ann said...

Gyro ~ are you telling me Sorcerer is not going to make it snow here?

Bill ~ oooh...how about this baby! or this
or maybe this one baby!

Jiggs ~ oooohhhhh! Not a good combination! haha

Sorcerer ~ I hope you can make it snow!

Lee Ann said...

AI ~ oh! OUCH! You must be, well, I take that back...you are one tough guy!
cya then....

Fred said...

Atlanta airport. Concourse C. Been there.

Polyman2 said...

It's de-gradng!

Lee Ann said...

JC ~ Oh, you are getting real close to me calling you baby!

Ceri ~ Hey girl! It is the same here in Birmingham....rarely snows! We get ice more than anything! xoxo back to you!

Lee Ann said...

Fred ~ haha....Atlanta airport grates my nerves!!!!!!

Polyman ~ haha, you know you really are kind of cute!

mkecurler said...

I know 4 people who need this in their bathroom!!!

Lee Ann said...

Sabatkes ~ haha, oh, they must not be such good friends! haha

Hotboy said...

A pain in the ... Was this done on an arts council grant? Hotboy

Lee Ann said...

hotboy ~ haha, good question!

jonathan ~ really! no doubt...haha

OB Juan said...

Fear factor is great! I love it when they have to plunge their face into something completely disgusting or start eating things that shouldn't even exist on this planet!

Lee Ann said...

ob ~ Oh, that is when I cannot watch it. The stunts are cool, but not the nasty stuff they make them eat or lie down in! eeeewwwww!

Third ~ ouch, right?

Mark Leslie said...

Ow, ow, ow, ow.....seeing this hurts my MIND.

Lee Ann said...

Hey Mark...I know...pretty rough, huh?