A study with mammals proves that the group with the promiscuous females has males boasting the biggest testicles, but had the smallest brains. On the contrary, when the females were faithful, the males had smaller testes and larger brains.
A research study was done at Syracuse University biologist Scott Pitnick on bats. They are the second largest group of mammals (behind rodents) with about 1,000 known species.
Men, I know women say all the time that size doesn’t matter, but it does matter, at least in this study!
“The study offers evidence that males -- at least in some species -- make an evolutionary trade-off between intelligence and sexual prowess, said David Hoskens, a biologist at the Center for Ecology and Conservation at the University of Exeter in England and a leading authority on bats' mating behavior.”
Pitnick's team looked at 334 species of bats and found a convincing contrast in testes size. In species with monogamous females, males had testes starting at 0.11 percent of their body weight and ranging up to 1.4 percent. But in species where the females had a large number of mates, Pitnick found testes ranged from 0.6 percent to 8.5 percent of the males' mass (in the Rafinesque's big-eared bat).
"If female bats mate with more than one male, a sperm competition begins," Pitnick said.
"The male who ejaculates the greatest number of sperm wins the game, and hence many bats have evolved outrageously big testes. Promiscuity is known to make a difference in testicle size in some other mammals. For example, chimpanzees are promiscuous and have testicles that are many times larger than those of gorillas, in which a single dominant male has exclusive access to a harem of females.”
Pitnick's research suggested that in those bat species with promiscuous females, the male's body used more of its energy to enhance the testes -- giving it the greater adaptive advantage -- and lacked the energy it needed to further develop the brain.
The study found that in more monogamous species, the average male brain size was about 2.6 percent of body weight, while in promiscuous species, the average size dipped to 1.9 percent.
To my knowledge, there has not been any human studies to support this evidence. So, gentlemen....size doesn't matter....at least in this case ;)
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Oh the things that people will do a study on.....makes me wonder about them!
I always knew intelligence mattered most!!!
Science can drive you batty.
Ob ~ haha, I think this study is well worth it...for what reason? I just don't know!
Angel ~ Of course, the intelligence does matter! ;)
Gyro ~ Yes indeed, batty, I say!
I missed the whole "scientist getting paid to watch bats have sex" gig at career day.
damn it!
I think it depends. Sometimes it's not the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean. Or even the friendliness/intelligence of the captain. Who knew I could come up with all those euphamisms!
Andy ~ I know, I missed it too! Dratz!
Girl ~ Haha, I have heard something like that and it is true to some extent! ;)
Honestly, I could care less about size, as long as they use the right "head" when it comes to making decisions.
So, it's saying if you have a bigger brain and are able to have more personality, then it evens the competition. Brain mattter matters.
Ellen ~ haha, that is good! We all know which makes the decision depending on the situation! ;)
AI ~ Of course, brain matter matters!! Good, very good!
Can't they just find a cure for cancer???? Very interesting post LeeAnn!!
Okay, so you can say whatever you want; but size does matter, unless there's a dildo involved. Dildo's do freak me out though! Rather have the "real big thing!" 8-) I'm so damn dirty, I apologize for my perverseness Lee Ann, although I think you're used to it, for example, Jiggs.
Kay Ray ~ You are right, now there is an idea! Thanks girl!
Beck ~ Haha...you are too funny! You should have seen my face the other day when a friend of mine gave me a site to look up! As soon as I saw all of the toys, my face turned 3 shades of red...she said she did it just to see my reaction! Oh, she is bad, isn't she? haha
I believe i got a very normal penis not to big not to small i am satisfied
I wonder how much the taxpayers had to shell out for these studies?
I once wrote an angry letter to my Congressman about government waste. Wait. No I didn't. But I meant to.
Then I turned to watch the T.V...
Henri ~ Oh, that is good! ;)
Fred ~ No telling! I found it amusing that this was a study in the first place!
Gyro ~ Well, you should write the letter. Some of it is so wasteful!
Lee Ann - Oh, I was about to say. Ok, so it's bats! ;)
Hmmmm, I'd like to see the research proposal for that grant!
I'm working in the wrong field!
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
It kinda matters. If you're with someone that you truly adore and there's excellent sexual chemistry, as well as emotional and everything is set in place, than, no, it doesn't really matter. Because you love them, or at least, really really really like them. Hopefully.
But, as a girl who's gone from well...two different sizes...hmm...nuff said.
Once I had a ball, but didn't have a bat. Then I had a bat and had a ball. Ali said not doing it in training was hard at first, but really strengthened your legs.(That's ejaculating for you Taoist out there!) Bat and ball games? I bet Neanderthals were promiscuous. You can still see them though. Walking around. Don't they have a name in America. Jocks? Some jocks are dead smart. Scottish men are jocks. As in : We're all Jock Tamson's bairns here! Hotboy
Yes, all the energy that would have gone towards a normal sized penis ended up being funnelled into my brain. Only not the smartness part of the brain, but rather the part of the brain that keeps me from getting laid.
i think i'm getting rid of my blog.
Neo ~ Neo, that is what I am saying, you are right about that proposal for the research grant.
Third ~ Haha, I would have to say..."size could make a difference, depends on the situation" ;) (How is that for being diplomatic:)
Alecia ~ I totally get what you are saying, but....hmmmm....like you said...."nuff said"! ;)
Third ~ Oh my gosh! That is the coolest thing. You put me on a CD cover! Thank you, I am so flattered! I checked them out, they all look good, will definitely be listening too.
Hotboy ~ I just love the way you put things out there. That was good...so funny, yet true.
Captain ~ Oh, your spirit made it into an action figure doll. You are a doll, aren't you? So cute!
Jiggs ~ Jiggs, you are so cute, you are still my muffin no matter what!
Carl ~ I wish you wouldn't. I always enjoy what you have to say. I have missed you a lot too. Tell me how your job interview went. Is everything all right? If you quit your blog, please stay in touch!
fuck lee ann. i am creative, not mathematical. are you saying i should chat up more bats??
Hey Jane! Haha...too funny! Glad you stopped over here, I hope you will come by more often.
I believe the phrase, "don't knock it until you've tried it." comes into this situation for you Lee Ann.
Becky ~ Hahaha, I guess you are right!
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