Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Would you use this?

Would you use this?

Here is the view from the inside! Do you still think you would use it?

That would be debateable for me!
Wonder if the glass reverses on a very cloudy day or at night time!
I guess it would also depend on how much in need of it I was ;)


Saur♥Kraut said...

I'd use it. I've heard about it. I WOULD feel weird about it, though.

truckdriver_sefl said...

Hmmmmmmmm?? I see fellow drivers pulling onto dark exit ramps every night to "kick a tire" I don't do that LOL so I don't belive I could no. You do come up with some good questions though LeeAnn:-}

b o o said...

definitely :)

AndyW said...


Sea Breeze said...

Now, there's a design feature!

I wonder if it would satisfy the exhibitionist in us to use that little cubicle for a rendezvous??

Michael K. Althouse said...

I guess if I had to. I'm kinda funny (but not phobic) about public restrooms anyway. A necessary evil I guess. That one-way glass is freaky though. It makes me wonder how long before...

Never mind.


Becky said...

I could use it. When you gotta go, you gotta go!

Grimstarr said...

Definitely ... and for what breeze said. LOL

Heather said...

Without a doubt, I would use it.

We've got a restaurant here that has that kind of glass above the men's urinals in the restroom. You look out on the dance floor. It's kinda funky. (And yes, I've been in there to see it, had to!!)

WDKY said...

Now THAT would be an interesting experience. Can you imagine if someone was looking in the mirror and you thought they were looking at YOU???

Anonymous said...

They had these when I lived in Switzerland. I was never that desperate, but I figure the Europeans have a different mindset than I do.

And what happens at night? Is it lighted inside?

Lee Ann said...

Saur ~ I would too, but if I had to go, I would!

Trucker ~ I don't blame you, I don't think I would like to pull off on a dark exit ramp either!

Boo ~ No bones about it! ;) Like your style.

Andy ~ Haha, you are not a modest one, are you! See, I am, and it would be a little difficult for me.

Lee Ann said...

Breeze ~ Hmmmm....could be exciting, huh?!

MikeA ~ I would feel strange too!

Becky ~ Well, you are right about that one, girl!

TG ~ Haha, coming from my half-nekkid friend! ;)

Lee Ann said...

Heather ~ You are funny...and courageous. Sometimes, you just have to, right! I would like to see that place you are talking about...sounds cool.

WD ~ Hahaha, you have me literally laughing aloud. That would be freaky!

Nilo ~ Haha, you may be right about the different mindset.
Some one-way glass reverses at night or when it gets cloudy! (That is a good question about how it is lit at night).

twolf1920 said...

I can't even use the regular ones if someone is outside the door!

Lee Ann said...

T ~ I am like that too! ;)

Ellen said...

Ohhhh.... tough question, but I guess it depends on how desperate you'd have to be.

Cute, but really weird.

Lee Ann said...

Shannon ~ Hey, you are right! Me too! I love your new pic!

Ellen ~ haha, I am just too modest for my own good sometimes!

Dave Morris said...

Yeah, definitely would be great for a rendezvous. Wow.

Tumbleweed said...

Hell no, I bet when people walk right up to it and cup their hands, they can see right in.
It is kind of artsy though, I give it a thumbs up!

Ticharu said...

Sure glad I live in the country!

Hotboy said...

That's cool! They'd get ruined here by drunken Australians peeing on them! Hotboy

Lee Ann said...

Dave ~ that a hint! ;) *giggle*

Tumble ~ Yeah, I am with you, looks cool, but doesn't seem fool-proof to me...I bet people can see in. Imagine being in there and someone comes up, cups there hands and looks in, then starts smiling. Just like WDKY said, you would be thinking they were looking right at you.

Tich ~ I wouldn't even mind it if it were in the country, miles from anyone! teehee!

Hotboy ~ Do you really think the Scotts would have it messed up? :)

Captain ~ Haha, I bet there are handprints all over it....and yes, that would feel quite daring to do that...haha

Lee Ann said...

Hey BRose ~ Aren't you the little daredevil ;) Very good!!!!

Bathroom Hippo said...

I'd use it...

abuse it...

it would be taken away as evidence.

JM said...

My penis has stage fright. I don't think I could use it.

jiggs said...

I would totally use that. Just think about how great it would be to combine people watching and taking a crap!

onan the bavarian said...

Where is it? I want to visit.

Lee Ann said...

Hippo ~ I just bet you would! ;)

Angel ~ I don't blame you, that is probably a tough scenario for many penis.

Jiggs ~ Haha, Jiggsy, I kind of figured you would like it!

Rob ~ Not sure where it is, but it would be interesting to see if you could see in!

Polyman2 said...

Sure, I have no shame.
Anyway you know what they say
about people that use glass shithouses?

jamwall said...

i would totally walk up and cup my hands!!!


okay, maybe not..

Lee Ann said...

Polyman ~ Haha, what do they say??? ;)

Jams ~ I would!!!!
haha then I would smile, maybe even smirk a little...(even if I couldn't see anything)!

Polyman2 said...

Ummm...they throw around a lot of shit?

flatlander said...

I would get my friend to stand outside, then trace the image of his or her face on the glass with lipstick.

I wouldn't use a sharpie--that would be vandalism.

Lee Ann said...

Poly ~ OHHHHH! ;)

Flatlander ~ Now that would be funny, I would like to see that!