I wanted to give you guys some stats about you!
I have gone back through my blog and determined the first comment you ever wrote here. I have shown the date, the title of the post and you're comment. You have made several comments on various posts since, but I have only revealed your special first visit to my Castle. There have been many other posts and several other visitors that have stopped in on their way through The Land of Blog, but they were just passing through. I am glad you had a good time here and continued coming over. It would be cold and lonely here in this big castle without all of you guys! You are welcome here anytime.
Blake ~ The Everglades
Saturday, July 16, 2005
TV needs a makeover Throw your television out of your window. That is the only option. Even if there were 567 chanels, none of them would be any good. And I'm sure Britney Spears is shitting a golden brick now that she has been eclipsed by Jessica Simpson--Dukes is no Crossroads. Blake
2:21 AM
Beckeye ~ The Pop Eye
Saturday, July 16, 2005
TV needs a makeoverThe deal with reality TV is that it's become as scripted as regular TV, under the guise of still being "real". I remember the first season of The Real World and it was pretty obvious that those kids had no idea what the hell they had gotten into. While I'm sure they were well aware of the camera at times and weren't always completely themselves, it was probably the most real anyone could've hoped for. But once the producers saw how well it worked, every season after that had to have "the naive girl", "the hunk", "the gay one", "the angry black one", "the wannabe musician", "the jackass" and then a few "wild cards" who were camera-friendly. I really can't get into that show anymore because of it's scripted nature, but I do get a big kick out of those Real World/Road Rules challenges. People are never more real than when they're competing for money. I do like some reality shows but others turn my stomach. And the sheer volume of them is pretty ridiculous.By the way, it's so funny that you and I have that same college dream. I read on some dream analysis website that it means that I'm afraid to move on to the next stage of my life...which in my case is probably true!
1:53 PM
Carl Spackler ~ From the Mind of Carl Spackler
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
The Power of the Wealthy abc news just reported that story the other day. when will it stop! seems we won't have any property rights at this rate.
10:07 AM
Jef ~ Thunderfish
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Apartment Life I'm so glad to be out of an apartment. Mowing isn't all that bad and the tax break is wonderful and I'm making a profit off of it when I sell it. I would call the home office and check out the story, get the person you talked to's name and then call Ms. Bubbly back and ask again and then tell her you talked to Home Office and they will be calling her later. Like Joe Pesci said in Lethal Weapon II, "They screw you at the [apartment complex]."Hoping to read more from you,~Jef
10:12 AM
Dave Morris ~ Dave’s Window
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Apartment Life I have a habit of leaving apartments REALLY clean. Far cleaner than they were when I moved in. Yet, I never get a bonus refund. Only the deposit. Why doesn't the world work the way I want it to???
11:55 PM
Avik ~ The Surging Waves
Friday, July 22, 2005
Just enough to get by!nice reading.....
take care.....
12:00 PM
Ticharu ~ Ticharu Gets LegsSaturday, July 23, 2005
Backyard surprise We've re-named the 'Department of Natural Resources' up in my neck of the woods the 'Destroy Natural Resources' from a simular encounter. Not aligators obviously, but a baby raccoon. We found the little guy, wet and shivering, lost, quite helpless. Called the DNR, asked how to take care of it, they said to just kill it. We fed it with a bottle and in a few days it was strong enough to leave and we've not seen it since. People aren't pests, but every animal that gets in our way sure is. Actually, humans are the real pest...
6:11 PM
Mojoala ~ Dialetic Storm
Monday, July 25, 2005
I just don't get it just a sign o times.now if botox could grow hair, I might use it. Jef might too!His forehead and mine are identical....lol
10:59 AM
Goan Pao ~ Vindaloo
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Where are the parents?Guess the I in todays world is more important than the We. Parents supported by psychologists are more concerned about themselves than the children. Also a lot of parents like to act "Cool: and are afraid of disciplining their children. Some parents are just darn lazy.Kudos to you guys ticharu, dave ....
1:41 PM
Allison ~ AP’s Blog
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Where are the parents? he'll look for attention from other sources and they probably won't be good ones ie: drugs, gangs, etc..
6:20 PM
Rebecca (now Becky) ~ Becky’s Ramblings
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Integrity?Most people don't know what the word respect really means, it's no longer one for all and all for one, more like it's all for me!! What can you do though, you can't change an entire world's views on things.... Free will is a bitch sometimes...
9:57 AM
Robmcj ~ open textFriday, July 29, 2005
A little too edgy for some Apart from the music, it reminds me of macrobiotic people, who in decades gone by used the doctrine on food, toxins, etc. to better themselves. Maybe they still do.Macrobiotic couples would plan something like 7 years of pure living so as to replace every cell in the body before conceiving a child. I don't see a problem with these movements, except that if everyone did it, there'd be nobody buying junk food and drink and pharmaceuticals and fertilisers to prop up the economy. And farmers might have to employ more people.I'd still be macrobiotic myself if I could afford a personal macro chef, like Madonna.Lee Ann - your profile refers to Led Zeppelin, here's a
shameless link.5:07 PM
Menzies Milngavie iii ~ Menzies’ Mumblings
Sunday, July 31, 2005
If there is a will there is a wayDear Lee Ann,Rather late for your Tuesday posting about 'where are the parents', but thought you would be amused by
this sign.MM III
9:44 AM
The Zombie Lama
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Do you know someone personally?Future "Darwin Award" winners there...
11:39 PM
Fred ~ Fred’s World
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Due what? Do when?This sounds like one of those stories the local newspaper's "Action Line" would love to print. One call from them and your deposit will be ready that afternoon.
6:27 PM
Frank ~ Frank the Tank
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Due what? Do when?Completely agreed! It's ridiculous! They should be alloted no more than 60 days to remit payment! I HATE cable companies!!!
6:36 PM
Robert C. Seifert ~ RCS Thinking Out LoudMonday, August 08, 2005
In just one unsuspecting moment!I'm not certain I would have been as graceful. Bitterness is like a cancer. It will consume and destroy you if you're not careful - see your neighbors. I came via Dave's Window, I'll be back!RCS
12:04 AM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Working for your money ~ what a concept!Be careful with all those email scams... Never make your life revolve around money .../thanks ilaiy
Echeevo72 ~ Soundboard de CheevoSaturday, August 20, 2005
What will be next?hey, i randomly found your blog. i am in birmingham too and you are one of the few birminghamsters i have found out in bloggerville. this competitive eating event was something we covered at the bham news (i work there) and we talked about how amazing it was that a tiny asian dude was on the one to pack away so many weiners, where did he put them all?
11:19 AM
Spinning girl ~ Eleven Point Five
Saturday, August 20, 2005
What will be next? Aww, sheeeat. I could've made like $7000 last Thursday when I ate my way through my whole fridge.
9:42 PM
Kay Ray ~ K Doll Killah for Shizza
Monday, August 22, 2005
Isn't it a bit ironic?Druggies have to ruin it for all of us!! That really sucks.. Great blog!!!
2:23 PM
Hotboy ~ Rablissblog
Monday, August 22, 2005
Isn't it a bit ironic?Duh! Dealing a little drunkenly with this ...Is this American irony? Are drug dealers (my deep dear friends) saints, or capitalists? Hotboy
6:36 PM
Friends of McDougal ~ Who is McDougal
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Less is more!A buddy of mine (man by the name of McDougal, do you know him?) is half sasquatch on his mom's side.The guy's a 6'9" freakin' orangutan.He doesn't shave, but I know from seeing it done first hand, the man conditions his pubes with hot bacon grease.Being half blind (Dad's side), I'm not the best judge of physical appearances. However, I see enough to know that while McDougal is a mountain of a man, he's not much to look at. His eyebrows actually grow straight into his hairline. And the man's essentially had to pick a line of demarcation on where to stop shaving his face. There's no way to tell specifically where the beard stops growing and the chest hair starts. This, I think, is why in recent years, he has decided to go completely natural. He's got a 2-foot long beard, and can no longer where a shirt because of the excessive chest hair growth.President Kennedy gave him a gold chain with a St. Christopher medal on it back in '62, which McDougal has never taken off. However, it's been missing in the tangle of chest hair since some time in the mid-80s.I will say this for the old guy though -- he smells like a goddamn dream. It's like a mix of lilacs and sulphur ... but it's a good smell.Strong. Musky.Drives the women nuts.This probably comes from his steady diet of Chinese ... people. They're about all he eats.Another little tidbit -- I once bedded McDougal's third wife (immediately following their divorce) and she was naturally hairless. No body hair, no hair on her head, no eyebrows.Stunningly beautiful woman though.I also know that as we speak at the McDougal Institute at MIT, they are working on cloning a breed of completely hairless humans. This breed also possesses just a single arm, no legs, and two dozen tiny feet.Dean Kaman (sp?) is involved, and this new breed of superhumans will be powered by a brilliant combination of naturally occurring hydraulics and magnetic energy.I think in a few years, we're all going to have to revisit the nature of human beauty.
2:40 PM
Justice ~ Rambling Thoughts of a Weary Traveler
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Less is more!I'm with you...I really wonder what type of person participated in these studies. LOLThanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I hope you will come back again.
8:37 PM
The Mad Hatter Saturday, August 27, 2005
Now this is interesting!I've always loved this story. Link me if you dare!
9:21 PM
Jiggs ~ JiggsblogWednesday, August 31, 2005
Oh, So smart!I think we all know what the deeper message is here:Don't be a douchebag.
6:12 PM
Carslemane ForaixMonday, September 12, 2005
Sounds of silence It sounds like a typical party at Hotboy's place, except that at his parties, everyone dances around all night without any music or headphones at all.Carslemane
3:25 PM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Feeling a bit under the weather
I can see the amazed Chinese kid in the background.
11:18 PM
Neo ~ Just Bring It
Friday, October 07, 2005
Ohhh! Something to see!Lee Ann - OUCH!!!!If it wasn't real, it would sure look fake. The body just isn't supposed to bend like that. I know my man is on some serious pain killers.Neo cringes
6:37 AM
Ellen ~ The Secret Garden
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Rock-a-bye Husband?Lee Ann- I popped over to your blog from Neos. I read through your posts and got a great chuckle about the GYN visit. Haven't we all experienced that? (I waited so long one time, that I literally took a nap on the table).Anyhow, just wanted you to know that I enjoyed your stories, and loved the pictures as well.Good work!
5:54 PM
Calzone ~ Dragon for Hire
Monday, October 17, 2005
Are you my mother?Man...I came over here to bust your ass, but...you are so sweet. Damn
8:06 PM
Saurkraut ~ Saurkraut Speaks Frank-ly
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
At work? Yeah, the same thing happened in Clearwater, FL (a major tourist town in FL). You just gotta wonder: Public Servants - How Dumb ARE They?
9:11 AM
Aliecat ~ The Kitty Kat LoungeWednesday, November 02, 2005
Not a 3-way but a 4-way!!!! I failed my driver's test once, but hey, I was only 14 when I took it...
1:44 PM
Twolf1920 ~ R700 Rider
Friday, November 11, 2005
Ahhhh, now that is nice!Woe is me-I had to convert an old tub with a hose with a showerhead on it. I am NOT a plumber...NOR is it easy to convert an old style bathtub to a shower-All the hardware is oudated. I have to SIT in the stupid thing and hose myself off like a DOG.DAMMIT!I am looking for a conversion kit to make a shower stall. Seeing your post jut made me realize that I too really want a decent shower.I am so deprived!Bloody HELL!And I live in Minnesota, so its gonna get cold here soon!CRAPPITY CRAP!Anyway, Nice blog!
10:29 PM